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Racer Y
S3 licensed
You know, I've been talking about this to other Texans. We're wondering when the UK is going to ban meat cleavers and kitchen knives. I know that the parliment there has more of a stupid knee jerk reaction to things than the State of Massachusetts.
Because with the current gun grabbing logic going around, we know they don't blame Islamic Fundamental cases as much as they blame the weapon.
Yeah, if the UK would've banned meat cleavers, this never would have happened.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :oh ho ho breaking news: The attacker in london is Michael Adebolajo. Apparently he was arrested in Kenya in 2010 after trying to cross the border and join up with Al-Shabab. He was deported to Britain, and officials were briefed as to why he was sent back. Then they put him back on your streets.

Faux news? Really? Who can believe them?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :The strange thing is, they don't even consider that a possibility for fear of being called a racist. That word is so powerful in Europe its not even worth trying to cut down on immigration as an experiment to see if it changes anything.

Islam is not a religion, it the entire sociopolitical structure by which Muslims act out their everyday lives. Everything that happens in the Islamic world and in the lives of Muslim immigrants has a basis in the laws of society laid out in the Qur'an. The religion and the politics cannot be separated, and this compounds the complexity of our fight for cultural dominance in our own countries.

The analagous sociopolitical structure under which we live in the US and UK is secular democracy, which instead of being defined by the religion, it purposefully sets it aside and limits its influence. We have top-rated televisions shows based on homosexuality and Christian groups are powerless in their objections, but do you think a closeted gay Pakistani is going to come out after seeing the neighbor girl get mutilated for no reason? Thats why religious nutjob groups in our countries are at worst offensive and illogical, rather than systematic murderers. There's a long distance between picketing against homosexuals and burning as many as they can to death with sulfuric acid.

Islamism and Jihad could not exist without conspiracy theories. They are the only way to convince idiots living in the first world that their society is as bad as the one that has to set aside a whole section of their law to address women having their faces burned off for looking at men or "being to proud of her beauty".

You're from Austin - Right? DO you have a fedora and a bowling shirt?
Yeah. Keep Austin Weird - and the hell away from Houston!
SES Por Vida Vato!
Racer Y
S3 licensed
I could give a rat's ass about the development. I like the game as it is and if S3 never happens, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
When S1 came out, my son was in Jr High school. I now have a 3 week old grand daughter......
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :because clearly attorcious crimes never happen in the us without muslims involved,_Jr.

I didn't read the link. No reason to. I remember it well.
I bet that the writer left out an important detail in the aftermath.
Most PC liberals overlook this fact or flat out ignore it...
After the three scumbags were caught, the county it occurred in with an overwhelmingly White population had a special election. They voted to temporarily increase their property taxes so the prosecutor could afford to make the case a capital offense and go for the death penalty.
And yeah, here in the US of A we love our murders. The Boston bombing could have easily been committed by a person that was upset about not finding a parking space, but it wasn't, was it? And instead of the islamic world condemning the attacks, what did they do? Why they claimed it was a CIA set-up or something. That's the real problem. They're like that family that has a child molester and tries to hide it with denial.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :As sais it's no doubt that it is a problem, but blaming a whole group of people because of a few extremists is wrong. It's like saying that because of Hittler, every german citizens from WW2 and to current times are nazis. It's like saying because of one lunitict's act and he by some reasons belifs in God/Jesus, everyone beliving in the same is lunitics.

Yes, there are problems, huge problems, but blame the inviduals, not a group.
One of the things we need to work with is to change their veiws on humans and equality when they immigradeS. In Norway we struggle a lot with rapings atm, and over 90% are performed by not-western people. Statestics are taken from the police records from Oslo.

Good points.... BUT
We had to fight the whole of Germany, not just Hitler. We had to fight the Germans because of their inaction AND their complicity with Hitler.
And I'm afraid it's the same with Islam. The brainless herd is at the beck and call of those "individuals".
Your 90% of rapes going on in Norway being committed Non-western people...
NON-WESTERN? are you trying to be politically correct or something?
Anyways you take that statistic and show it to those "non-western" people,
And I bet they respond by saying that 100% of those rapes were the victim's fault.
Until the Islamic world realizes they're being manipulated and controlled by their beliefs from these so-called individuals, then they'll be nothing more than those German Soldiers under Hitler.

Oh and to any Germans reading this, please don't take this the wrong way.
My Father-in-law... Late Father-in-law fought in WWII in the Pacific theater. After he was wounded, he was made a guard in a POW camp for German Soldiers. They had to separate the regular Germans from the SS soldiers because after the wool hitler put over their eyes was lifted and the Gestapo threat was eliminated from them, the SS guys started having a real hard time
in those camps.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :No. America is one of the few countries that actually dissuades a person from having their own cultural identity. A chunk of the developed world has a pretty solid policy of maintaining everyones individual cultural uniqueness and supports peoples varying cultures. Not everyone gets jammed into acting 'murican.

For some reason, America is so insecure about its own values (Christianity and NASCAR), that people who don't share those values (Muslims, buddhists, athiests, Formula 1 enthusiasts) are shunned and people make an attempt to convert them by claiming their belief system is either wrong, or corrupt, or they're gonna go to hell.

It boggles my mind. Why try to actively dilute your culture to be this weak solution of a culture, when you could embrase the differences and have a rich, flavourful culture.

Although 'muricans have proven to prefer bland culture, look at their thirst for McDonalds. Mention a McRib and they might just cream themselves.

You been smoking crack with that mayor again haven't you?
Canada..... You know most people from Canada go on Road trips in the U.S.of A. than their own stupid country. Something about it being too expensive to do it there. Probably boring too.
You know what the big difference is between Americans and Canadians?
When Americans go out clubbing, it's to score chicks.
When Canadians go clubbing, it's for seals.
Think I'll go out back and shoot something now.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :fully in agreement with racer x here, 9/11, 7/7, the boston bombings, years of IRA bombings, etc etc, thats what id call terrorism and/or a terrorist attack, killing someone, deliberately, however tragic it is is murder in my eyes, be it racially politically or religiously motivated, its murder, calling it a terror attack is a huge overstatement which has caused a needless amount of unnessecary hype.

You're right all it is is a murder. Too bad you got gun control laws. Maybe someone could've stopped that "murder" from happening.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Agniz :I'm grateful that my country is that poor (on paper), so we don't need to deal with all this lazy-only-social-benefits-seeking-immigrants bulls*it which leads to all these things what happens in UK, France, Sweden (riots in Stockholm atm, if we want to be precise), etc.
Also, government here are strongly against multiculturalism policy (even if they could afford pay social benefits), same sex marriage and other idiotic western-liberalism things.

They have the Tea Party in Latvia?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Blade3562 :Reading these comments make me realize how pathetic the human race has become lol. Just because one news channel shows a different view than all other mainstream media doesn't mean it is lies or crazy people.

Really media is bad no matter who or what presents it. Media can twist facts and get you to change your views based on something totally circumstantial.

Yeah yeah I know L.Ron Hubbard is the guy behind the Scientology cult, but if you ever get a chance to read his Mission Earth Series, there's a character in it that perfectly describes whats wrong with the media. And that includes the lamestream media, the right wing morons at Faux news and of course that left wing garbage that has all the liberals fooled (not too hard to do to one) into thinking that they are the only true and unbiased media sources.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Dick Trickle... A true racing legend. RIP
Racer Y
S3 licensed
....."For the first couple of months of owning it I had terrible trouble with speeding, after 2 years driving a diesel the throttle responsiveness was impressive to say the least - and I did most journeys at 20-30 mph above my intended travel speed quite by accident. I have got used to it now.".....
So you're saying that now you drive that fast on purpose?

Anyways buying a car is buying a car. You have to decide for yourself what you want. Only you know exactly what you want out of a car and what a particular type of car would suit you. And only you can decide what ever expenses getting whatever car you want is going to be worth it. TO me the perfect car is the Chevy Suburban, but instead of going through the English countryside on a weekend jaunt, I have to drive across Houston traffic in rush hour carrying crap.
LOL wouldn't it totally suck if you got rid of your SUV, got your sports car, then have to move a coffee table?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
If you do it again, I wouldn't mind an invite. Uh... do I HAVE to re hook up the wheel?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
hugo Chavez. He was a guy that was a career politician that got too powerful. He used the poor as a platform to get what he wanted Not what teh poor wanted or needed. But that is neither here or there.
He was a typical strong man politically. Only he didn't have enough power to get a complete lock on the country.
As far as Venezuela Becoming a"Mortal Enemy" of the US of A. Nah Not really. There's too much of a connection business wise. Think Conoco. As far as Chavez goes, he just yelled and blamed the U.S. for whatever would keep his supporters happy and in his pocket.
He actually had some sort of stability compared to what things could've been like.
Now with his passing and no one to fill the void, There's nothing to really hold things in check. The Cartels from Mexico have been trying to get a more concrete hold of Central and South America for decades. This will be their golden opportunity. The Columbian rebels FARC, will have a whole frontier to play in. Chavez tolerated them in limited dosages and gave them a little breathing room, but that allowed them to galvanize connections. They will most likely take full advantage of being to fully operate in Venezuela without the limitations imposed by Chavez.
I don't see a good future for Venezuela until all the aftermath of his death plays out.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
One thing that I'd like to know might be a little bit on the personal side, but how does having a home based business mix in well with raising a family?
How do you deal with burn-out?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :No, he wasn't arrested,
...... Just cops and pedestrians.

There are quite a few people that think this shooting was a hoax - or a set-up by the gun grabbers. Too many coincidences.
I'd like to think that the gun grabbers wouldn't stoop so low, but history isn't in their favor. They exploit and spin everything. You have to dig through their "statistics" and "facts" to get to the truth of things. Almost as bad as you do with Creationists. Of course the loud mouth wing-nuts like Ted Nugent, doesn't help either. Who would really want to give a guy like that a gun?
I still think the shooter was genuine. but I also suspect that certain facts and actual events will be spun in the gun grabbers' favor.
They talk about the psycho using a bushmaster (AR-15 clone).
I find that interesting seeing that they found that rifle in the trunk of his car.
They have a video of the cops digging through his car. in the video, it looks like they pull out some sort of long gun and a shotgun.
I dunno, if they do get stupid and enact gun control laws here, I guess it'll just be another stupid law they made up that I break.
If you really want to see a glaring example of gun control vs non gun control, drive down I-10 in El Paso. On that stretch of the highway, you see EL Paso on one side, all nice and relatively quiet. Look the other way across the Rio Grande, you see Juarez, Mexico. Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws in the world. You see police activity all over the place.
Of course the gun grabbers like to point out that it's due to the U.S. liberal gun laws. What they aren't getting is that since the guns are illegal, all it is doing is hampering the average citizen. And they also fail to realize the real reason Mexico put those laws in place wasn't to protect the people from criminals. It was to protect the Government against revolt.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Why are you people so stuck on this stupid chick car?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
All these people from other countries whining about our gun laws.... Let them. They don't really have a clue. Most of what I've read from them are typical
rehashed responses. If we were to do something stupid like follow Europes's example, I highly doubt the gang bangers in my neighborhood will comply.
In fact, it would be the green light they've been waiting for.
When there is gun play in my area, cops rarely show up - even after being called. Why? Because they know they'll just get their asses kicked. So when I have to throw down with SSP or M13 or SEC or SWC, I'd have more faith in the bullet hose I have than a 911 call.
These anti-gun types don't have a clue about living like that. In fact, they need to stay where they are at and keep up the arm chair quarterbacking. Cause if they were to make the mistake of venturing out into my neck of the woods, they'd get one hell of a wake-up call.
Like I said, you make a gun law that keeps you from owning a gun, it's NOT going to stop me. And worse it's not going to stop the homeboys down the street one bit. All it's going to do is keep YOU from owning a gun.
Didn't we learn that with Drug laws?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
A track with a loop in it would be pretty cool.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Scirocco? If the devs really want to attract female racers, you'd think they'd go for the Beetle instead.
And if they really want to make this car for the game, they ought to make a counter for it with the Porsche Boxer. Or that Fiat with the little scorpion on it. Once female racers get a license and realize they can get cars like shoes, they'll want more variety.
Yeah, the only reason I'd really care about them making a VW is that maybe some of you'll finally be able to get girlfriends.
....Wanting a VW. Oh well, I guess it could be worse. It could be a Camry.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Mike, what planet are you actually on ? It certainly isn't this one......

This part:
That is a truly scary quote but we'll emphasize that: "The indictment focuses on the movement of funds outside the U.S." and that you can't just "flout US law" by not being in the US. What also needs to be understood is that the domain was registered to via a non-US Registrar, namely Vancouver's domainclip.

If you have a .com, .net or .org domain you are subject to US domestic laws and jurisdiction.

Say I had this really big giant crane. One with a boom on it 2000 miles long. I put one of those wrecking balls on it and proceed to bash cars parking in a Wal-Mart in an adjacent country. Now my crane is an electric one. Yeah. an electric crane with a boom 2000 miles long and a wrecking ball. Well it needs to be plugged in. Trouble is the only outlet for it is in the same country I'm bashing up cars. Shouldn't that government be allowed to unplug the crane?

"If you have a .com, .net or .org domain you are subject to US domestic laws and jurisdiction. "
You're also entitled to the protections of that as well. So in theory, If you were In New Zealand marketing a product on a .com website and a competitor in Latvia sets up a mock site and copies your product, you could sue them in an American court.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :So, apparently, the site owners had 23 cars, including 15 Mercs, a Lambo, a Maserati and a RR Phantom. **** this, I'm starting my own file sharing site and couldn't care less if I get caught after 10 years. Does anyone know of a country without a extradition agreement with the US?

No. dude. You WANT to get caught and extradited to the U.S. They'd put you in Club Fed. No cats with crap taped to it there. No Sir. At Club Fed, you'll have a Pro designed nine-hole golf course, a gym with professional trainers (they got busted with steroids) and twenty four seven unlimited wi-fi.
After you get settled in and are trying to get a life sentence because of the spa treatments and cuisine, some Government agent will show up and offer you a deal. Then you'll be raking in the big bucks putting state of the art snoop software (stolen from India) in DoD servers to make sure employees aren't compromising the infrastructure by illegally downloading.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :Well some people were more affected than others. And I will tell you it is completely different when its so close to home and not in another state. trust me it hits home and makes you think about how that could have been any school.

People seen getting shot: two
People seen that were shot to death.... 5? 6? The last one was a block from the house. They shot the guy and dumped him in a little drainage ditch beside the road.
You think you get used to it but you never do. It still messes with your head.
One night while racing some aussies, I had to bail and chase off a burglar. He was trying to get in the front door. I swung the door open and drew my gun. We just sort of looked stupid at each other for a second and then he took off. He wasn't armed and he didn't even have a pry tool. I chased after him halfway thru the front yard. He ran off down the street. I let him go.
From time to time I think about that and I still flip it over and over if I should've shot him. All kinds of thoughts go thru your mind when this happens.
Is this for real?
Maybe the idiot's lost?
Maybe he has friends?
Where's his car?
All kinds of crazy stuff even though I knew he was trying to break in.

All you folks for gun control - well good for you. I think I'll control my own guns thank you very much.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Aside from mass murders, we tend to have a bunch of murder/suicides across the country. About 99.999% of the shooters are males. Most of the time it's an estranged husband going after his ex. But some times and in increasing instances, it's because the guy got canned and they've maxxed out the credit cards. These types of shootings happen at about the same rate if not a little more than robbery related shootings. The only reason video games and the type of fire arm used comes into play is what video game and what gun was bought on the maxxed out card. Addiction to materialism is the chief cause there I think.
The psycho mass shooters? I doubt video games, movies or access to fire arms is what motivated them. I think there's something in the medications.
If you're ever in the USofA or an American, watch the medicine commercials. on TV. Notice how the medications may treat a minor condition, but has a whole slew of nasty side effects. Thoughts of suicide.... violent delusions... may cause birth defects.... And this is for something that treats heartburn!!!!
I dunno... Where I live gun violence has pretty much always been common. but most shootings here are based on other crimes. And the shooters? They're not going to care what gun restrictions get made. It won't stop them from getting guns one little bit.